event_source&2 means this nodes children have been hidden.
event_source&4 means this nodes children are now shown.
event_source&8 means node has been edited.
event_source&16 means double click on node.
event_column is the column the mouse was over when the node was clicked.
ListBrowser gadget parameters.
This sets the font for the gadget. The GID points to an ALREADY defined text attribute.
readonly (ro)
This list browser entries can not be edited.
disable=number (dis=)
The gadget is disabled if number = 0 , enabled if number != 0. Defaults to enabled.
selected=number (s=)
Set which choice is selected when the window opens. Selections start at 0 . This defaults to none. CAREFUL modify uses the listnode GID, this parameter uses the ordinal position of the node.
ListbrowserLabels="text0|text1|text..." (lbl=)
Set the column labels for the list. Defaults to 1 unlabeled column. NO MORE THAN 20 COLUMNS can be defined !
bnparent (bnp)
Allow parenting in this listbrowser.
showtitles (st)
Show the column tiles of this listbrowser.
vertical (v)
Use veticle seperators in the listbrowser.
hori (h)
Use horizontal seperators in the listbrowser.
arrows (a)
Show arrows for horizontal scrolling and make this a virtual width list.
multi (m)
Switch to allow multi selection in the list. Multi select by holding the shift key.
minwidth=number (minw=)
Set the minimum width for this gadget
minheight=number (minh=)
Set the minimum height for this gadget
weightedwidth=number (weiw=)
Set the weighted width for this gadget
weightedheight=number (weih=)
Set the weighted height for this gadget
nominalsize (noms)
Set this gadget to its nominal size.
Using sort on a line BY ITSELF durring gadget definitions will cause the last defined listbrowser to be sorted. This is to allow a list browser to be sorted before the gui window is opened. (the modify sort comand sorts the listbrowser after the window is opened.)
Sort list browser based on the column number. Remember columns start at 0. You MUST NOT specify an invalid column number.
Definition Reply
When the gadget creation is successful the pipe replies with
Set the text(s) for the added node. This parameter MUST be given. YOU MUST NOT GIVE MORE TEXTS THAN THE AMOUNT OF COLUMNS IN THE LISTBROWSER. A leading '^' makes the text editable. A leading '¶' (ALT p) uses the last defined image for the column rather than text. Note that images used in browsernodes can not be more than 255 pixels high. (hint: split larger images and use more than one node)
defnumber=number (defn=)
Set the Generation of this browser node.
target=GID (tar=)
If GID=0 add the new node at head of list. If GID=-1 add the new node at tail of list. Else add the new node immediately after the node specified by GID.
browsernodeparent (bnp)
The new browser node has children.
If number=0 detach the node list from the listbrowser. If number!=0 then reattaches the node list to the listbrowser.
removenode (remn)
Remove ALL browsernodes from this ListBrowser.
readonly (ro)
This list browser entries can not be edited.
disable=number (dis=)
The gadget is disabled if number = 0 , enabled if number != 0.
scroll=GID (scr=)
Scroll the listbrowser so the node specified by GID is at the top.
selected=GID (s=)
For multi select lists
You may set the nodes individually instead of using this command. Sets which choice is selected . Setting selected=0 sets all nodes as unselected. Setting selected=-1 sets all nodes as selected. CAREFUL modify uses the listnode GID.
For single select lists
Set the selected node. Selected=0 sets all nodes as unselected. CAREFUL modify uses the listnode GID not the ordinal position. This is different then in the listbrowser definition.
Sort this list browser based on the column number. Remember columns start at 0. You MUST NOT specify an invalid column number.
This keyword forces the listbrowser to revaluate its size. It is only needed when a listbrowser uses a font other than the screen default font AND no new browser nodes are added after the GUI window is opened.